Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Minority Report Screen Shot Analysis

I had the 24th picture, where we see Lamar Burgess and Danny Witwer sitting in Danny’s office. Where they are both facing to the left of the camera, where they seemed to be lost in their train of thought. The shot also appears to be between a medium shot and a long shot. Because you can see the environment around them but you can only see above the navel of both characters. The sunlight that is bathing this room full of vibrant energy seems to be a back light to Lamar. Maybe this represents that he has a brilliant idea of some sort, or he is meant to be seen as a god rather than a retired man who has invented pre-crime.

Throughout the movie we have noticed roundness, representing blindness or simply put a correlation to the eyes. Like the building of pre-crime, where everything appears to be round. But this scene is different, the scenery is all square, the building surrounding them, as well as the computer, everything appears to have sharp edges. Another interesting aspect is that the camera appears to be placed on the desk, so the camera is at a low angle looking up upon the actor’s faces. There are also these two small boxes with orange lights that appear to be facing the same directions the characters are facing.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hey whats up first blog of the year! My favorite recent movie was "The Hangover". It seemed to be based off of the movie "Dude Where's My Car". Nonetheless it was still a very clever and amusing movie. All three were very entertaining and talented actors. The baby is the best character in the movie, just look at the picture, enough said. Or maybe the gangster guy in the top left, he is pretty funny as well.